April 19, 2012

A Group exhibition featuring Eunika Rogers

Concorso Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea

An Exhibition of works dedicated to interpretations of sailing and the sea, to celebrate America’s Cup in Italy. 

Galleria Monteoliveto, Piazza Monteoliveto, 11 – 80134, Naples, Italy.

April 21st - May 8th 2012

Opening Night - April 21st 6.00pm

"Nike of Samothrace, goddess who personifies victory, is the idea behind this painting. I gravitate to identify myself with this piece of ancient Greek sculpture, partly because I was familiar with it at an early age, thanks to my mother who named me Eunika ('eu' good, 'nike' victory) and also because I have a semblance to Nike when I run in a navigable area somewhere in the mountains, where I feel free, light, joyous - flying. I've sailed once in my life and to me that emotional experience parallels that of running. Ideally for me, this project brings the idea of the two disciplines (running and sailing) together, by placing MY 'Nike', like Nike of Samothrace at a prow of a ship for which she was originally created. She conveys a sense of action as she descends from the skies to the triumphant fleet, landing in a headwind with her arms like wings aloft, in her sheer chiton, heavy with sea spray.
Gaius Plinius Secundus (Pliny the Elder) once maintained that the waters could be calmed by a woman uncovering her body at sea, and many sailors no doubt hoped that the representation of a woman would stave off foul weather and bring them good luck. So I think ... with a Nike at a prow, the sea is not dangerous after all."
As we fly and flow, clay and charcoal on paper, 30 x 30cm, 2012